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6 Electronics Design

What did we did

Date: December 6th & December 7th, 2016

What we did


  1. Tasks for this week
  2. Circuitry layouting
  3. Production of circuit boards
  4. Soldering
  5. Programming
  6. Settings
  7. References
Write a web page to document everything you did this week, using media (images/videos) to show the results and add the download link of the design files (you have to upload the design files in the repo).

  1. Tasks for this week
  2. Circuitry layouting
  3. As we have to solder a bunch of sensor to the board for the data aquisition of the weather station, I thought about soldering the DHT sensor directly to the board instead of wiring it. Therefore, I disconnected pin PC0 which will be the DHT's data pin. Additionally, ground & VCC were needed as well as a pullup resistor for the data pin. I added an MA04-1 component which carries four pins. Pin 3 of the DHT does not have to be connected.

    image 6_ModifiedSatshakit_HumSen_scheme
    Modified CNC Satshakit for DHT11 Sensor scheme
    image 6_ModifiedSatshakit_HumSen
    Modified CNC Satshakit for DHT11 Sensor board
  4. Production of circuit boards
  5. The standard manufacturing process involves a lot of steps involved also soldering of the components as well as testing of these. For this week, we will focus on the manufacturing of the PCB only (Milling step). Use GIMP to prepare an internal and external cutting path as in the lecture before.

    image 6_Internal_Path
    Internal path (cutting with some margin)
    image 6_EngravedResult
    Internal path (cutting with some margin)
    image 6_External_Path
    External path (use rounded egdes, e. g. 14 % for the cutting. Choose right click --> edit --> fill with RGB color.
  6. Soldering
  7. Soldering is standard process of connecting electrical components to one another or to a conductive substrate. Depending on the components to solder, different tips can be mounted to the soldering iron. The thicker the tip, the lower the temperature has to be set in order to avoid thermal damage of the electrical components. With the thicker tip we'd set the temperature to 330 degrees, whereas we'd go for 280 degrees with the thinner one. Especially, the heart of our circuit - the microcontroller - is very sensitive to elevated temperature and might easily break. However, if there is the need to replace components, copper wire can be used to absord the solder in case of removal.
    image SolderingIron_Close
    Soldering of through hole component (source: D. Ingrassia, course material - electronics production)
  8. Programming
  9. For the programming part of our MEGA328P chip, we will need an additional microcontroller that already has a bootloader in installed as with the Hello_World board in lecture 5.

    image 6_SolderedResult
    The finished product looks like this.

    Completed 'fundamentals of digital fabrication' by building this awesome weather station! Thanks to Daniele & Karsten! #fodf #makingthings #fablab

    Ein von Jörn Kiwitt (@ingenjoern) gepostetes Foto am

    image 6_satshakit_programming
    Wiring of the satshakit for programming.
    Download the ATMEGA328 bootloader here and follow the instructions to install i.

  10. Settings
  11. The settings for the milling of the circuits of the board can be found here:
    image 6_Designing_PCB_CAM_internal
    Settings for milling of the external path, make sure to mount the engraving tool. Set the passes to 4.
    image 6_Designing_PCB_CAM_external
    Settings for milling of the external path, make sure to mount the milling tool. Set the passes to 1.
  12. References