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FreeCAD: Parametric 3D modelling software

Cura: 3D printer software


  1. Select the 'part design tools' workbench. Then, create a new sketch and use rectangle tool to draw a (100x100)mm square.
  2. instructionfreecad

  3. Pad the sketch with 100mm length, symmetric to plane, to create a 3d cube.
  4. instructionfreecad

  5. Go to axometric view and select one of the sides of the cube.
  6. instructionfreecad

  7. Create a new sketch and draw a square centered in the middle with 70mm sides.
  8. instructionfreecad

  9. Use the 'pocket' button to create a hole through the side.
  10. instructionfreecad

  11. Go to axometric view and select top face.
  12. instructionfreecad

  13. Create a new sketch with another square with 70mm sides
  14. instructionfreecad

  15. Use the pocket tool to create a pocket with 20mm length
  16. instructionfreecad

  17. Go to axometric view and select a side of the cube. Create a new sketch and draw a circle with 70mm radius.
  18. instructionfreecad

  19. Pad circle with 20mm length to create a wheel. Do it on the other side too.
  20. instructionfreecad

  21. Go to axometric view and select inner side of the cube.
  22. instructionfreecad

  23. Create a sketch and draw a circle with radius of 10mm.
  24. instructionfreecad

  25. Pad the newly drawn object to create a 'pillar'.
  26. instructionfreecad

  27. Select the 'part' workbench and draw a torus with Radius 1 of 40mm and Radius 2 of 5mm.
  28. instructionfreecad

  29. Make sure the shapes are all symmetrical. In my case, one of the wheels needed 10mm more padding.
  30. instructionfreecad


The torus was very tricky to move and fit in the design.


The FreeCAD drawing was exported as OBJ and then imported to CURA.

The torus was removed as too many support structures were required to print.

Also, the image was reduced by 25%, particularly to reduce printing time.

The image was also rotated and the following settings were used to print using CURA:

    Layer height = 0.25mm
    Wall thickness = 1.05mm
    Top/Bottom Thickness = 0.8mm
    Infill Density = 15%
    Print Speed = 70
    Travel Speed = 120 mm/s
    Enable support = on
    Support Placement = Everywhere
    Support overhang angle = 10 degrees
    Support Pattern = zig zag
    Support Z Distance = 0.4mm
    Support XY Distance = 1mm
    Build Plate Adhesion Type = Brim
    Brim Width = 5mm

Image below illustrates the steps:



The printing was successful. The support structure was removed using clippers.


my FreeCAD design

.OBJ export (without torus) for CURA